Cedar Sandblasted Signs
Cedar Sandblasted signs are the cream of the crop as far as post & panel signs go! Cedar Signs are built to last for many years and a good indicator your business will be around for many years to come.
They are made from 2 inch thick western red cedar, which is naturally resistant to rotting and bugs. Your design is then carved into the woods surface to create a beautiful sign with dimension, that is sure to leave a lasting impression.
• Single or Double-sided
• Made from full sawn, clear, vertical grain Western Red Cedar
• 23K Gold Leaf Available (as seen in Drummond Farm Sign image)

Carved Extira® Signs
Extira® is a treated wood composite panel product for non-structural applications for exterior and high moisture environments. Which makes it a perfect sign making material. Made to last many years in the elements without rotting.
Our signage is carved from Extira panels and painted with high quality outdoor latex paints. Available in single or double sided.
Crezon Signs
Crezon signs are one of the cheapest Post & Panel signs. Crezon is an outdoor rated plywood that is finished to signmaking standards.
Crezon signs are not carved like the signs above. With crezon signs we apply vinyl to the substrate surface to create the signage and cut to shape.

HDU (high density urethane) Signs
HDU Stands for High density Urethane and is a newer material in the signage industry. It is a foam product that can be sandblasted to look like a cedar sandblasted sign. Since HDU is not an organic material, it does not rot. HDU signs are painted and can optionally include 23K Gold leaf.
Unlike wood, HDU does not have any structural strength on it’s own, so it is typically best suited flush mounted to a building or structure.
• Single or Double-sided
• 23K Gold Leaf Available (as seen in Drummond Farm Sign image)